- She got to the park before the set time. 她在约定的时间之前到了公园。
- The meals in this hotel are at set times. 这家旅馆的用餐时间是固定的。
- You should have your meals at set time. 你应该在固定的时间去吃饭。
- Is there any set time for the morning break? 有没有固定的上午休息时间?
- After four weeks lead time qty of pcs. 四个礼拜货期可提供的产品数量
- He told me I have to be there by a set time. 他对我说必须按时到达那里。
- Please advise your sample and product lead time. 请告知样品什么时间可以提供?及大货生产时间?
- Set time out for Grabber to grab a link. 设置抓握连结的限定时间。
- After three weeks lead time qty of pcs. 三个礼拜货期可提供的产品数量
- What's the lead time for assembly? 组装的提前期是如何决定的?
- You should finish the exam within a set time limit. 这份考卷一定要在定时内完成。
- They set time limits for future negotiations. 他们为将来谈判设置了时间。
- Continual improvement on the BOF% and lead time. 进口/产件准时交货率和交货周期的持续改进。
- What is the lead time for production of skiwear? 请阐述什麽是滑雪服生产的订货到交货前置时间。
- Shortening the lead time for testing. 缩短测试时间(提高测试效率)。
- What is the lead time for sample yardage? 生产样布的时间的是多久?
- Planning is an area where lead time can be reduced. 规划是一种缩短前导时间的方法。
- The chemical is circulated through Supply Filter for the set time. 在规定时间试剂通过供给过滤器循环。
- Control allows you to set times as well as dates. 控件除了可以用来设置日期外,还可以用来设置时间。
- The set time passes without the demand signal from the P.O.U. 超过规定时间未接到应用点的请求。